✅ For future disaster (if such happens) how will TGMA manage the reduilding, repair, or reconstruction issues?

Will a major quake in the Temescal Valley create long delays in the arrival of assistance and recovery? May condo owners simply clear and clean their lots? What about the upstairs/downstairs choices? For future disaster (if such happens) how will TGMA manage trebuilding, repair, or reconstruction? ▶ This question prompted the research and retention by TGMA of the former HARBRO Emergency Services & Restoration, recently merged with a company known as BluSky that provides commercial, industrial, governmental, residential, and multifamily restoration, renovation, environmental, and roofing services across the United States and Puerto Rico. With an emphasis on large projects, BluSky does not build things; but restores and rebuilds them. BluSky engaged employees bring experience and teamwork to anyone who owns or manages property, provides property insurance, or manages property insurance claims. Essentially, the first step by management after a disaster in the community is...