✅ CEA EQI policies have these limits for condos

What about the $100K maximum building coverage? What are the deductible choices? How is the deductible factored with a claim? CEA EQI policies have these limits for condos ▶ Any condo owner who visits the California Earthquake Authority quotation request page for earthquake coverage learns that the maximum value for condo EQI is $100,000. Currently, that is less than one-third of the typical resale value of a smaller downstairs Cobblestone condo as of year-end 2020. That may be a problem. Although, given the rule that it may take 50% of the typical home value to reconstruct the unit, the CEA limits may not be out-of-bounds. One thinks, however, that the arbitrary limits on condos may have something to do with risk management by the CEA. CEA EQI policies have these limits for condos COVERAGE OPTIONS FOR HOMEOWNERS CEA earthquake insurance for homeowners allows you to choose between two policies: purchase all of your coverages together under on...