✅ What makes CA homeowners so apathetic about EQI?

COBBLESTONE CANYON ★ https://trilopedia.blogspot.com ★ * TRILOPEDIA ® is designed, in a way, after the popular site WIKIPEDIA, but dedicated to education and information about a specific community, Trilogy Glen Ivy (TGI) and Cobblestone Canyon, the condominium section within TGI. Trilogy Glen Ivy is a 1317-unit homeowner association (HOA) in the Temescal Valley of Southern California 92883. This archive is a site created by and for members of the Cobblestone Disaster Recovery Committee who are introduced in the content below. The site is maintained by the this group separate from the TGMA Board and management, but the group was and is chartered by TGMA. Cobblestone Canyon (CID) is a condominium community, subdivision of Trilogy Glen Ivy (TGI), a homeowner association (HOA) in the Temescal Valley of Southern California. Cobblestone is one of six neighborhoods within TGI, aka the TGMA, or Trilogy GlenIvy Maintenance Association. The community is off of Interstate 15 abou...