✅ What is the earthquake issue that is different for condos versus single-family homes?

RECOVERY in Emergency Management What percentage of single-family homeowners in the HOA have EQI today? What if a minority of condo owners choose EQI? Is there a EQI plan that is optional, not mandatory? What is the earthquake issue that is different for condos versus single-family homes? ▶ Whatever your opinions about HOAs, property management by associations, and/or governmental agencies that write the rules and conditions about how HOAs function, you probably fit into one of three categories when it comes to finding answers for the premise questions of this presentation. Those homeowner categories are: 1) Those who eager to find assurance (even insurance) in disaster recovery planning and want intervention to get that done (Trilogy1) 2) Those who are content with matters as they now stand and wish to maintain the status quo (Trilogy2) 3) Those who need more information about technicalities that remain unknown or unresolved (Trilogy3) Homeownership with...