✅ What does the “PHASES” designation of the CONDOS mean for the disaster recovery issue?


Is the “PHASES” designation of Cobblestone a method to limit risk to individual owners?

For disaster recovery alone, are “PHASES” a plus or minus?

Should Cobblestone vote to eliminate the “PHASES”?

TGMA legal counsel informed TGMA and the Cobblestone Disaster Recovery Committee that the designation of the FIVE (5) PHASES is still in force because these had not been merged or eliminated by the developer, Shea Homes, when Cobblestone Canyon was completed and control passed to the homeowners association, TGMA. This merger of the Cobblestone Phases still is not done today, as of the writing and distribution of this document.

In other words, these FIVE (5) PHASES will dictate how and when recovery management will occur.

The “phases” designation of the condos

AS AN EXAMPLE, if any damage (no matter how major) occurs to the common interest (exterior areas) of one or more units in PHASE 21 (approximately 42 units in each PHASE), then the obligation to pay and share all expenses for that repair is divided among the owners of the 42 units only, not the entire condo community. (SEE THE PHASES MAP) The same follows for the other phases but only as damage happens in each distinct phase. No damage within one or more phases, then no assessments for repairs in that phase(s).





Getting Through It